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Knee Pain

Integrative Pain

Pain Management & Sports Medicine Specialists located in Dallas, TX

Knee pain can limit your mobility, prevent you from performing everyday tasks, lower your quality of life, and even cause insomnia. Integrative Pain offers non-surgical, evidence-based therapies that repair tendons and ligaments in the knee, reduce inflammation, decrease pain, and improve mobility. When you’re ready to diagnose and treat your knee pain, contact the Integrative Pain in the Dallas, Plano, and McKinney, Texas, areas.

Knee Pain Q & A

What causes knee pain?

Knee pain affects approximately 25% of adults in the United States. A fall, trauma, or other acute injuries can cause knee pain, though it might also be a symptom of a more severe underlying disease.

The rise of obesity in the United States also explains the increasing prevalence of knee pain: Excess weight puts pressure on the knee joint, weakening it over time leading to early onset osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis causes knee pain and hip pain too. It degrades the cartilage that protects the upper and lower leg bones that meet in the knee and hip joint, allowing the bones to grind together. That irritates the nerves and surrounding tissues, thus causing swelling and pain that makes it difficult to move your legs.

The following injuries and disorders also cause knee pain:

• Fractures

• Arthritis

• Patellar tendinitis

• Tears in the ACL

• Hip or foot pain that redistributes weight onto the knee

• Iliotibial band syndrome

• Meniscus tear

• Sports injuries

What are other symptoms of knee damage?

Your knee may not hurt, but other signs and symptoms may indicate damage to the knee joint, ligaments, and tendons:

• Chronic stiffness

• Warmth and redness

• A crunching or popping sound when you move your knee

• Limping

• Being unable to put weight on your knee

How can knee damage and pain be treated?

The Integrative Pain Institute offers non-surgical, evidence-based, cutting-edge, FDA-approved therapies to alleviate knee pain and restore mobility to the joint. Some effective treatments for knee pain include the following:

• Steroid injections

• Physical therapy

• Medication Laser therapy Massage and soft-tissue therapy, Ultrasound therapy Heat and cold therapy

• Knee bracing

• Genicular Nerve Block with Rhizotomy

• Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

• PRP, stem-cell therapy, and other regenerative treatments

To obtain relief from your orthopedic knee pain, the team at the Integrative Pain can prescribe both conventional and alternative non-invasive therapies to heal the tissues, reduce inflammation, and increase mobility. Call or use the online form to set up an appointment today.


We service patients from all over the DFW area including North Dallas, Addison, Carrollton, Plano, Garland, Irving, Allen, Richardson, and University Park, Highland Park, Frisco and McKinney.