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Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatica is a common condition caused by inflammation or pressure on the sciatic nerve that runs down the spine and through the leg. This often causes a specific type of sciatica pain that presents as pins and needles that extends from the lower back all the way to the feet along the path of the sciatic nerve. There are many other ways to describe sciatica symptoms, including:

If you are experiencing more severe symptoms, such as bladder or bowel incontinence, extreme weakness in your lower extremities, or severe loss of sensation, then you should see a medical professional immediately as this can be an emergency.

Some people are more susceptible for sciatica than other. Some common risks factors and causes of sciatica pain include:

If you think you might have sciatica, the best thing to do is to come into our pain clinic for a proper diagnosis. We will use a combination of x-rays and magnetic resonance imaging to determine exactly what is causing your sciatica pain. After diagnosis, it’s important to start sciatica treatment right away. We typically perform a combination of injections, medications and physical therapy to get you feeling great again.

Call us at 972-290-1507 to schedule an appointment.  

Neil Verma, MD Chief Medical Officer - *The opinions expressed herein are solely the opinions of the author. Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Should you need medical advice, see your physician.

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