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Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy for Tennis Elbow

Miss the days of serving aces to your challengers on the tennis court? If tennis elbow is sidelining you, then physical therapy might be the best way to get you back in action. Physical therapy for tennis elbow can relieve your pain, reduce your swelling, and heal your injured joint.

What Causes Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow is caused by the repetitive motion of swinging your racket back and forth. When you overuse the muscle of the forearm that surround the elbow, your tendon become inflamed and painful. You’ll feel a burning on the outside of your arm and won’t be able to grip your racket very well.

Physical Therapy Pain Relief for Tennis Elbow

Your first priority will be to reduce the pain in your elbow so you can function. A physical therapist does this in the following ways:

Physical Therapy Exercises for Tennis Elbow

Start the healing process by trying this physical therapy for tennis elbow. These exercises will improve your muscle tone and take pressure off your tendon.

Try Out Physical Therapy for Tennis Elbow

Don’t let your suffering go on any longer. Contact Integrative Pain Institute today to get physical therapy for tennis elbow treatment. Our therapists can prescribe you specific exercises and stretches for your exact injury.  

Just call us at 972-290-1507 to get started.

Kristy Snyder Writer and Editor - *The opinions expressed herein are solely the opinions of the author. Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Should you need medical advice, see your physician.

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